
I’m Ima, the founder of Stuf Skin, based in Brisbane Australia. You can find me on instagram @ima_rose_a or @stufskin I love to chat! 
A few years ago I was suffering from hormonal acne on my face and back and every product I tried either did not work or dried my skin, that's when the idea of developing a clean and sustainable skincare range suitable for all skin types came to my head. 
I wanted to create a range that helped everyone that suffers from redness, from acne, dry skin or even ageing skin! I wanted to make my skin better but help others along the way too! My mission is to empower men and women to feel confident in their own skin...

Stuf Skin is made for 

Stuf Skin products are made for everyone who is after high quality, natural products for their skin. For those who want a simple, uncomplicated regime, to feel confident in their own skin - we're not about perfection, we are about you feeling your best. It's also for those who have a social conscious and care about the impact of the products they use. 

Stuf we stand for

Positivity ~ Self Love ~ Inclusivity ~ Quality ~ Smiling ~ Supporting Local ~ Australian Made ~ First do no harm ~ Happiness ~ Joy ~ Confidence ~ Simplicity ~ Less waste ~ Pro-ageing ~ Natural skin ~ Your skin ~ Individuality